W ramach konferencji "Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition", zorganizowane zostało sympozjum: 4th International Symposium on Sustainable Surface and Interface Engineering: Coatings for Extreme Environments. Jest to inicjatywa dr. inż. Pawła Rokickiego, pracownika Laboratorium, oraz Prof. Patricka Masseta, założyciela firmy Thermallium SPRL. Sympozjum obejmuje następujące tematy:
- Coating technologies (thermal spraying, pack cementation, laser spraying, CVD, PVD, sol-gel...)
- Coatings in industrial sectors (chemical and glass industry, power generation, aeronautics, biomedical and manufacturing industries...).
- Case histories for coating development
- Thermodynamics and transport at the interface between the substrate and coating
- Modelling and simulation of coating life-time and performance
- Advanced coatings
- Netshape, solid free-form fabrication, rapid prototyping and additive manufacturing where thick coatings are engineered
- Nano-coatings
- Corrosion and wear applications
- Anti-icing and anti-wetting coatings
- Mechanical aspects of coating development
- Characterization of coating properties (macro-micro-nano-structure, chemistry, mechanical properties, etc.)